ELA Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given to all EMILY’s List members that the Annual General Meeting of EMILY’s List (Australia) Inc
ABN 90 007 932 775
Association number A0033881F.
will be held on:
Saturday 2nd December 2023 at 5:00pm - Hybrid event
Virtual Meeting via Zoom, In person 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.
Members can RSVP to this event HERE
Members who cannot attend can register an apology and/or nominate a proxy by completing the above RSVP. You can choose to nominate the Chair, your state Co-convenor or any financial member.
Please click here for the meeting notice and agenda.
Sharon Claydon MP, Deputy Speaker of the House, and EMILY's List Australia National Co-Convenor will be providing an update for members.
Those attending in person are invited to join us for a celebration after the AGM.