Through our collective feminist movement, we get progressive Labor women elected to Australian parliaments to advance our feminist principles.
EMILY's List is Australia’s only financial, political and personal support network for progressive Labor women in Australian politics.
We work in a collective feminist movement. Emily’s listers come together through the state based action groups, ELAGS.
It is through our collective voices that we find the force of our movement.
To have the support of Emily’s List we require Labor candidates to commit to a pledge encapsulating the values of the organisation and how they will uphold and progress efforts towards equity.
We unashamedly pursue outcomes for all women.
We support the agitation for change and will have a voice on the application of that change through the collective.
Financial support
EMILY is an acronym which stands for Early Money Is Like Yeast – it makes the dough rise. Giving women candidates financial support early in their campaigns provides them with the foundations on which to build a successful campaign and attract more financial support.
Early Money
Early Money donations are lump sums given by the organisation to EMILY's List candidates in targeted marginal seats. These donations are designed to give candidates a head-start on the campaign trail and to draw out further donors. Early Money is raised by EMILY’s List through income-generating activities such as membership, national events, merchandise sales and fee for service training. Donate to the Early Money Fund.
Direct Donations
EMILY’s List also facilitates Direct Donations to EMILY's List candidates through our website, social media and bulletins to members. We provide the opportunity through our website for people to donate directly to individual candidates, with 100% of these funds going to the chosen candidates. EMILY’s List Australia was the first Australian political organisation to provide this facility for candidates. Visit our candidates page during elections to make a directed donation.
Candidate support
All EMILY’s List endorsed candidates are matched with mentors – experienced current or former women MPs, unionists or community campaigners – to provide advice and support during election campaigns. Practical and personal support on the campaign trail is highly valued by EMILY’s List candidates and fosters connections between geographically and generationally disperse women leaders. We also keep up regular email, phone and personal contact with candidates during their campaign and provide messages and gifts of appreciation for their hard work after campaigns finish
EMILY's List provides endorsed candidates with political training in key areas important to women. Depending on the needs of candidates in each state or territory, local EMILY's List members support candidates by offering training in the following areas:
- Campaigning as a Woman
- Managing the Message: You and the Media
- Running a Marginal Seat Campaign
- Public speaking
Visit our Training page for more information.
EMILY’s List links women volunteers to candidates who need assistance with election campaign activities such as letterboxing, door-knocking and polling day leafleting. We also enlist members to take part in phone banks on behalf of EMILY's List candidates.
We also run issues-based campaigns for progressive values such as reproductive choice, gender equity, equal pay, diversity in representation, early childhood education and care
Joan Kirner Gender Gap Research
Gender gap research provides EMILY's List candidates and ALP election strategists with factual and timely information gathered in focus groups involving undecided women voters in key seats.
Donate to support Gender Gap Research.
We achieve a critical mass of EMILY’s List MPs committed to pursuing a progressive parliamentary agenda and lobby across the political spectrum for progressive legislative change. We also lobby and influence ALP policies relating to equity, diversity, choice, child care and equal pay.
Ensure a pipeline of future women candidates by providing opportunities for and encouraging a diversity of women to consider a parliamentary career.